Monday, May 30, 2011

pencil, flowers, tablet

So once again, things have been crazy and I haven't been posting as I should. But I've still been creating. I co-created a whole class reunion! But I don't have any pictures of that here. It wasn't very visual.

So here's some catchup:

A sketch of Frankie's Sunday nap on the couch at the beginning of the month:

Bridal bouquet and groom boutonniere for bridal pictures. The rest of the wedding is this weekend. Sadly, I don't get to make her bouquet again. It was a really fun one. (I may have stolen the second two pictures from the bride's facebook. She wanted to be my friend, she probably didn't know the risks.)

And lastly, I am helping my brother in law Nick illustrate a new game he has created.

The game is based in the future, in space. This is for a card that involves you transporting the circus on your ship in return for payment.

Sketch 1

Sketch 2 after looking up some visual sources. (Bad picture, I was being lazy.)

First session with my new tablet, my payment for helping Nick with the illustrations. 
It connects to my desktop, acts like another monitor, and I can draw/paint right on the surface with a stylus. 
It still makes me drool every time I take it out. 
Final product after finding some better sources and getting the hang of the tablet: