Thursday, February 24, 2011

Floral and duct tape

My sister in law helps with the local Republican Party, so she asked me to make this red, white, and blue arrangement for the podium at a breakfast they were having. I made it at my Mom's house. Thus my Mom's kitchen.

The flowers and supplies for the arrangement pretty much cost exactly what they paid me, so I kept a few flowers for myself as my payment. (I waited a few days to take these pictures, the flowers are kind of dying and had been munched on by my cat a bit.)

Lastly, in the name of exhibiting all things that I create: at my nephews' birthday party, we made duct tape bags. I started making one that was a bit more girly, then I finished it at home. It was strangely fun and soothing making this thing.


Christina said...

Yeah for duct tape. Only you could take duct tape and make it look so girly! Love it!
Love the flowers too!

Frank and Marie said...

From the garden to the garage you can make anything look beautiful!

Great talent!

kate said...

Gorgeous flowers and sweet bag!

You're so talented!

Kate Karns said...

Yea! Its the duct tape purse!