Monday, February 7, 2011

Return of the cartoon people

I know, only a few weeks into this and I'm already falling behind. As much as I hate using the excuse, it has merit: I've been feeling a bit under the weather.

But I did churn out this little drawing one night. I used to draw cartoon people similar to this a lot in high school. As I became more of an art elitist, or something, I turned my nose up at them.

But they are back. This was so much fun to draw, because it can be as imperfect as can be and still be cute.

This is supposed to be my little family. I don't love how Frankie (my son) turned out, but I'll get back in the groove soon. Ink is so unforgiving, and I used smooth paper which isn't the best choice for the colored pencil. I think I might try it again with watercolor instead.


Sara said...

ahh, this reminds me of Coach Baggs' class. I pulled out my junior year yearbook to show something to Mark, and your letter was full of cartoon people. It was so funny too - made me laugh, and brought back memories.

Christina said...

I love it!

Frank and Marie said...

This does bring back some sweet memories of your high school. I always liked your creative cartoon people.
Welcome back!

Katie Leigh said...

My mom still talks about the book cover you did with all the 9th grade yearbook staff. I love your cartoon people!